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client information

Information about Wealth Management Zurich Ltd


The following information serves to fulfil the information obligations of financial service providers towards their clients pursuant to Art. 8ff of the Financial Services Act ("FIDLEG"). The information is neither provided for advertising purposes nor does it constitute an offer of financial services or financial instruments.

Licensing congestion


Wealth Management Zürich AG (the "Company") is a financial services provider within the meaning of the FIDLEG with its registered office at Dufourstrasse 1 in 8008 Zurich, Switzerland.

The Company is mainly active in the field of professional asset management for individual and institutional clients.

The Company is supervised by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA.


Ombudsman's Office


In accordance with Art. 74ff. FIDLEG, the company is affiliated to the ombudsman OFS Ombud Finance Suisse, 16 Boulevard des Tranchées, 1206 Geneva. In the event of disputes with the Company, private clients within the meaning of Art. 4 para. 2 FIDLEG and professional clients within the meaning of Art. 5 para. 1 FIDLEG may initiate mediation proceedings through the Ombudsman's Office.


Maintaining contact

The Company and its clients are obliged to maintain contact with each other and to inform each other immediately of any changes in their contact details.

Business activity of the company


The business activity of the company includes in particular discretionary asset management within the meaning of Art. 3 lit. C No. 3 FIDLEG. In order to exercise the mandates, the financial institution obtains powers of attorney from the clients vis-à-vis the respective custodian banks. If a client so wishes, the company shall carry out the transactions only after authorisation by the client.

The asset management shall be based on a written contract concluded with the client, which shall contain all information on the characteristics, functioning, rights and obligations of the parties as well as on the risks of the financial service provided. 


Risks in relation to financial services


The risks associated with the services provided shall be explained to clients prior to the conclusion of each contract. Clients are requested to read the information provided, in particular the brochure entitled "Risks in Swiss Bankers Association (, and to contact the Company if they have any questions. 


Cost information


Costs and fees are incurred in connection with the services provided by the Company. These are disclosed to the clients before the conclusion of the contract and are regulated in detail in the contracts. 

Intermediaries who refer clients to the Company shall receive a share of the management fees/remuneration of expenses from the Company. This does not result in any additional costs for the client.


Third-party remuneration


The Company does not receive any remuneration from third parties in connection with the provision of financial services. Should the Company exceptionally receive such remuneration, it will pass it on to the clients. 


Participation in and economic ties to third parties


The Company has no economic ties with third parties that could lead to a conflict of interest in connection with the provision of financial services.


Considered market offer

The Company only considers third party financial instruments in the provision of financial services.


Dealing with conflicts of interest


The Company shall take the necessary precautions to avoid conflicts of interest between itself or its employees and its clients and to protect clients from disadvantages. If a conflict of interest cannot be avoided, it shall be disclosed to the clients.

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